Category: All
All Things...
--- All Things Alya
--- All Things Arkan Sonney
--- All Things Bronwyn Angel
--- All Things Anamchara Angel
--- All Things Concuan
--- All Things Courtwind Angel
--- All Things Gryphon
--- All Things High Elf
--- All Things Leprechaun
--- All Things Masheba
--- All Things Nympho
--- All Things Phoenix
--- All Things Psy Vampire
--- All Things Red Dragon
--- All Things Sanguine Vampire
--- All Things Sterling Angel
--- All Things Unicorn
--- All Things Waif Fairy
Shop by Intent
--- Astral Traveling
--- Banishment
--- Communicating With Spirits
--- Elemental Work
--- Removing Blockages
--- Third Eye Work
Classes, Seminars, & Books
--- Books of Spells & Magick
--- Conjuration Classes for Spirit Companions
--- Creating Magic Tools
--- Essential Spells of Magic Books
--- Free Classes
--- Seminars, Classes, & Instruction
--- Spirit Keeping Books
--- University & Instruction Books
Companions - Spirits, Living Entities (Custom & Prebound)
--- Living Entity Companions
------ All Living Entities
------ Astral Realm Entities
------ Spiritual Realm Entities
------ Elite Living Entities of Dark Arts
------ Elite Living Entities of White Arts
------ Gateways & Portals
------ Living Entities for Beginners
------ Living Entities Keep & Be Kept
------ Living Entities of Dark Arts
------ Living Entities of White Arts
------ Living Entity Offerings
------ Mantras for Living Entities
------ Psychic Sense Mystery Bindings
------ Sigils for Living Entities for Connection
--- Spirit Companions
------ All Spirits
------ Custom Conjure Spirit Companions
------ Angel Spirit Companions
--------- Spirits of Angels
--------- Custom Conjured Angel Spirits
--------- Angel Services for Interaction
--------- Angel Mantras for Connection
--------- Angel Sigils for Connection
--------- Angel Gateways & Portals
--------- Angel Spirit Conjuration Kits
--------- Angel Charging Boxes
--------- Angel Offerings & Kits
--------- Angel Classes
--------- Angel Infusions & Angelic Magick
--------- Angel Worksheets
------ Aquatic Spirit Companions
--------- Aquatic Spirit Companions
--------- Custom Conjured Aquatic Spirit Companions
--------- Aquatic Spirit Services for Interaction
--------- Aquatic Spirit Mantras for Connection
--------- Aquatic Spirit Companion Conjuration Kits
--------- Aquatic Spirit Charging Boxes
--------- Aquatic Spirit Offerings & Kits
--------- Aquatic Infusions & Aquatic Magick
--------- Aquatic Spirit Companion Classes
------ Astral Realm Spirit Companions
--------- Custom Conjuration of Astral Realm Spirit
--------- Astral Companion Services for Interaction
--------- Astral Companion Mantras for Connection
--------- Astral Companion Sigils for Connection
--------- Astral Companion Gateways & Portals
--------- Astral Companion Conjuration Kits
------ Creature Spirit Companions
--------- Spirit Companions of Creatures
--------- Custom Conjured Creature Spirit Companions
--------- Creature Spirit Services for Interaction
--------- Creature Spirit Mantras for Connection
--------- Creature Sigils for Connection
--------- Creature Gateways & Portals
--------- Creature Spirit Companion Conjuration Kits
--------- Creature Spirit Charging Boxes
--------- Creature Spirit Offerings & Kits
--------- Creature Infusions & Creature Magick
--------- Creature Spirit Classes
------ Dark Arts Spirit Companions
--------- Dark Arts Spirit Companions
--------- Custom Conjured Dark Arts Spirits
--------- Dark Arts Spirit Services for Interaction
--------- Dark Arts Spirit Mantras for Connection
--------- Dark Arts Sigils for Connection
--------- Dark Arts Spirit Companion Conjuration Kits
--------- Dark Arts Spirit Charging Boxes
--------- Dark Arts Spirit Offerings & Kits
--------- Dark Arts Spirit Classes
------ Djinn Genie Spirits
--------- Djinn Genie Spirit Companions
--------- Custom Djinn Genie Spirits
--------- Djinn Spirit Services for Interaction
--------- Djinn Gateways & Portals
--------- Djinn Spirit Mantras for Connection
--------- Djinn Sigils for Connection
--------- Djinn Spirit Companion Conjuration Kits
--------- Djinn Spirit Charging Boxes
--------- Djinn Spirit Offerings & Kits
--------- Djinn Spirit Classes
--------- Djinn Worksheets
------ Dragon Spirits
--------- Spirits of Dragons
--------- Custom Dragon Spirits
--------- Dragon Services for Interaction
--------- Dragon Mantras for Connection
--------- Dragon Sigils for Connection
--------- Dragon Gateways & Portals
--------- Dragon Spirit Companion Conjuration Kits
--------- Dragon Charging Boxes
--------- Dragon Offerings & Kits
--------- Dragon Classes
--------- Dragon Worksheets
------ Elf Spirit Companions
--------- Custom Conjured Elf Spirit Companions
--------- Elf Services for Interaction
--------- Elf Mantras for Connection
--------- Elf Sigils for Connection
--------- Elf Gateways & Portals
--------- Elf Spirit Companion Conjuration Kits
--------- Elf Charging Boxes
--------- Elf Offerings & Kits
--------- Elf Classes
--------- Elf Worksheets
------ Fairy Spirit Companions
--------- Fairy Spirits
--------- Custom Conjure Fairy Spirit Companion
--------- Fairy Services for Interaction
--------- Fairy Mantras for Connection
--------- Fairy Sigils for Connection
--------- Fairy Gateways & Portals
--------- Fairy Spirit Conjuration Kits
--------- Fairy Charging Boxes
--------- Fairy Offerings & Kits
--------- Fairy Classes
--------- Fairy Worksheets
------ Familiar Spirits
------ Gargoyle Spirits
--------- Spirits of Gargoyles
--------- Custom Conjured Gargoyle Spirit
--------- Gargoyle Services for Interaction
--------- Gargoyle Mantras for Connection
--------- Gargoyle Sigils for Connection
--------- Gargoyle Gateways & Portals
--------- Gargoyle Charging Boxes
--------- Gargoyle Offerings & Kits
--------- Gargoyle Classes
--------- Gargoyle Worksheets
------ Human Spirits
--------- Historic Famous Spirits
--------- Spirits of Humans
--------- Custom Conjured Human Spirits
------ Immortals
--------- Immortals
--------- Custom Immortal Conjurations
--------- Immortal Services for Interaction
--------- Immortal Mantras for Connection
--------- Immortal Gateways & Portals
--------- Immortal Charging Boxes
--------- Immortal Offerings & Kits
--------- Immortal Classes
--------- Immortal Worksheets
------ Prehistoric Spirits
------ Sensual Spirits
--------- Sensual Spirits
--------- Custom Sensual Spirit Conjurations
--------- Sensual Spirit Services for Interaction
--------- Sensual Spirit Mantras for Connection
--------- Sensual Spirit Sigils for Connection
--------- Sensual Spirit Gateways & Portals
--------- Sensual Spirit Conjuration Kits
--------- Sensual Spirit Charging Boxes
--------- Sensual Spirit Offerings & Kits
--------- Sensual Spirit Classes
--------- Sensual Spirit Worksheets
------ Vampire Spirits
--------- Spirits of Vampires
--------- Custom Conjured Vampire Spirits
--------- Vampire Services for Interaction
--------- Vampire Mantras for Connection
--------- Vampire Sigils for Connection
--------- Vampire Gateways & Portals
--------- Vampire Spirit Conjuration Kits
--------- Vampire Charging Boxes
--------- Vampire Offerings & Kits
--------- Vampire Classes
--------- Vampire Worksheets
------ Wild Kingdom & Pet Spirits
------ Bundles, Kits, Sets
------ Psychic Sense Mystery Bindings
------ Rare Spirits
------ Spirits for Beginners
------ Spirits & Spells Bound Together
--------- Ancient Worlds - Spirits & Spells
--------- Spirell - Spirits & Spells with Specific Powers
--------- Tri - Triumvirate/Trifecta/Triune/& More
------------ Ternion
------------ Triad
------------ Trifecta
------------ Trine
------------ Triumvirate
------------ Trinity
------------ Troika
------------ Triune
------ Spirits by Ability
--------- Spirits for Good Luck
--------- Spirits for Love
--------- Spirits for Magick
--------- Spirits for Prosperity, Wealth
--------- Spirits for Wishes
--------- Spirits for Wisdom/Learn
--------- Spirits for Sexual Influence
--------- Spirits for Revenge or Justice
--------- Spirits for Protection
--------- Spirits for Health/Cleanse
--------- Spirits for Psychic Power
--------- Spirits for Creativity
--------- Spirits for Astral Support
--------- Spirits for Elemental Magic
--------- Spirits for Communication Charm Socializing
--------- Spirits for Blockage Removal
--------- Spirits for Confidence, Leadership
--------- Spirits for Warrior Skills, Personal Power
--------- Spirits for Kindness, Happiness
------ Spirit Communication
------ Spirits for Kids
------ Spirit Keeping Support Bindings
------ Spirit Offerings
--- Construct, ThoughtForm, Servitor
Customer Aftercare Services & Rush Order Request
Do It Yourself (DIY) Spells, Rituals, Mantras, Conjurations & More
--- $1 Magick Spells
--- 5 Minute Invocations DIY
--- Affirmations
--- Banish, Dispel, Remove Magic, Unbounds, Energy
--- DIY Cast & Bind Spells
--- Magick Mantras for Spells & Magick Energy
--- Magick Mantras for Spirit, Living Entity, & Immortal Companions
--- Sigils for Spirit, Living Entity, & Immortal Companions
--- Speedy Spells - Candle Magick
--- Swift Spells to Cast Yourself
Empty Vessels & Jewelry for Bindings
Enchanted Perfumes, Potions, Soaps, Tattoos
--- Aromatherapy Oils & Burners
--- Enchanted Bath Bombs
--- Enchanted Body Wash
--- Enchanted Lip Balm
--- Enchanted Soaps
--- Essential Oils
--- Mortal Magic Tattoos
--- Potions
--- Potion Lotion
--- Spelled Perfume
------ Dram of Perfume - $5
------ 1/3 Ounce of Perfume - $8
------ Ounce of Perfume - $12
------ 4 Ounces of Perfume - $35
Flash Sales, Limited, & Special Offers
--- Flash Sale
--- Special Offers
--- Special Offer For New Visitors
Magic Services
--- All Services
--- Attunement Services
--- Banishment, Curse Removal, Hex Breaking, Evil Eye Services
--- Binding Services
--- Boost Services
--- Cleansing Services
--- Cycles
--- Energy Services
--- Evolution Services
--- Exclusive Services
--- Illuminatis Service
--- Infusions, Semi-Infusions, Energy Pulses
------ Full Infusions
------ Semi-Infusion Services
------ Energy Pulse
--- Life Support Services
--- Master Services
--- Pairing Services
--- Portals for Astral & Spiritual Realms
--- Simple Spells Services
--- Synchronization Services
Magick Spell Bindings
--- All Spells
--- 3 Bodies Spells Bindings
--- Alchemus of Immortals
--- Astral, Spiritual, Earthen Spells Bindings
------ Astral Realm, Energy, Magic Spells Bindings
------ Spiritual Realm, Energy, Magic Spells Bindings
------ Earthen Realm, Magic, Energy Spells Bindings
------ Angelic Energy, Spells, Magic Bindings
--- Astral Time Travel Spells Bindings
--- Aura & Chakras Spells Bindings
--- Blockage Removal Spells Bindings
--- Bundles, Kits, & Sets
--- Channels Spells Bindings
--- Chaos Energy Magic Spells Bindings
--- Cleansing & Healing Spells Bindings
--- Command Spells Bindings
--- Creativity, Wisdom Spells Bindings
--- Cultural Spells Bindings
--- Custom Magic & Spells
--- Dark Arts Spells Bindings
--- Dream Spells Bindings
--- Elemental Spells & Bindings
--- Entity Spells (Dragon, Elvish and others)
------ Dragon
------ Dwarf
------ Djinn
------ Elf
------ Faery
------ Werewolf
------ Tools
------ General Spells
------ Vampire
--- Good Luck Spells Bindings
--- Essentials Spells Bindings
--- Faith, Religion, Belief Spells Bindings
--- Holiday Spells Bindings
------ Lammas
------ Halloween & Samhain
------ Valentine's Day
------ Mabon
------ Imbolc
------ Ostara
------ Beltane
------ Litha
------ Christmas & Yule
------ Leap Year
--- Feather Flame Spells
--- Immortal, Eternal, Divine Spells Bindings
--- Friday the 13th Spells Bindings
--- Kids Spells Bindings
--- Friendship, Happiness Spells Bindings
--- Kinetic Powers, Abilities and Gifts
--- Life Related Spells Bindings
------ Bounty & Big Goals
------ Change Transformation Spells Bindings
------ Charm Socialize Spells Bindings
------ Confidence & Leadership
------ Destiny & Opportunities
------ Developing & Evolving Supernatural Abilities
------ Dormant & Hidden Supernatural Gifts
------ Entrepreneurial Self-Employed Job Work Spells Bindings
------ Family & Ancestor Spells
------ General Spells
------ Karma
------ Life Dreams & Desires
------ Motivation, Focus, & Success
------ Peace, Calm, Patience, Meditation, Stress Relief Spells Bindings
------ People & Situations
------ Positive Energy, Negative Energy, Balance
------ Reincarnation & Next Life
------ Strength, Warrior Power, & Fortitude
------ Victory & Achievement
------ Youthful Energy Spells Bindings
--- Love, Romance, Sex Spells Bindings
--- Magic, Mystic Arts Spells Bindings
--- Magic Spells for Beginners
--- Mind, Memory, Learning Spells Bindings
--- Moon Lunar Spells Bindings
--- Mystery Offers & Psychic Sense
--- Nursery Rhymes and Fairytales Inspired
--- Open Portals Spells Bindings
--- Past Life Reading Spells Bindings
--- Paths of Magic
--- Pets Spells Bindings
--- Portals, Channels, and Gateways Spells Bindings
--- Power Orbs
--- Protection, Remove Curse Spells Bindings
--- Psychic, Mancy, Divination Spells Bindings
--- Rare Magic and Spells
--- Revenge, Retribution, Justice, Payback
--- Relationships Love Spells Bindings
--- Sacred Day Spells Bindings
--- Seasonal Magick
--- Sensuality, Virility Spells Bindings
--- Solar Sun Spells Bindings
--- Soul Exploration, Energy, Enchantment
--- Spell Blends Magic
--- Third Eye Spells Bindings
--- Totem Animal Reading Bindings
--- Tribute Spells Bindings
--- Tuner of Paranormal Gifts
--- Universe and Galactic Spells Bindings
--- Voodoo Spells Bindings
--- Wealth, Money, Prosperity Spells Bindings
--- Weird Science Spells Bindings
--- Wish-Making & Wish-Granting Spells
--- Zodiac, Horoscope, Astrology Spells Bindings
Master Vessel
Membership Upgrades
Monthly Subscriptions, Clubs, & Services
--- 30 Day Evolution
--- All Services
--- Career Services
--- Classes & Instruction
--- Custom Conjuration for Living Entities
--- Custom Conjuration for Spirits
--- Custom Tailored Services, Bindings, & Conjurations
--- Development of Powers or Gifts
--- General Services
--- Master Services Monthly
--- Readings
--- Spell or Spirit Kit
--- Magic Monthly Clubs
Readings to Learn More About Yourself
--- Ability, Gifts, & Powers Readings
--- All Readings
--- All About You Readings
--- Ancestor Readings
--- Astral, Star, Universe Readings
--- Aura & Chakra Readings
--- Biographies, Spirit, Entity, or Immortal Readings
--- In Your Blood Readings
--- Astrology Huestrology
--- Life Event Readings
--- Magick Name Readings
--- Past Lives Readings
--- Past, Present, Future, Fortune Readings
--- Personal Discovery Readings
--- Profile Readings
--- Soul Level Readings
--- Spirit Guide, Totem Animal Readings
--- Tarot Cards Readings
Tools of Magick - Charging, Conjuring, Binding, Divination, & More
--- Altar Boxes & Supplies
--- Binding Tools for Magick, Spells, Spirits, Entities & More
--- Communication Tools for Spirits, Entities, Immortals, & Ancestors
--- Cleansing Tools for Bindings, Vessels, & Your Space
--- Conjuring Tools for Magick, Spells, Spirits, Entities & More
--- Connecting, Bonding, & Pairing Tools for Magick, Spells, Spirits, Entities & More
--- Divination, Scrying, Third Eye Tools of Magick
------ Scrying Teacup
------ Ouija Boards, Spirit Communication Boards
------ Divination, Scrying, Third Eye Tools
------ Runes
------ Crystal Ball, Scrying Ball
--- Empty Spell Books and Journals
--- Enhance, Upgrade, Alter Bindings of Magick, Spells, Spirits, Entities & More
--- Charging Boxes, Stones, Services
------ Charging Boxes
------ Charging Bags, Chains, Misc
------ Charging, Magic, Portable Stones
--- Magick Wands
--- Move, Transfer, Transmute, Copy Bindings of Magick, Spirits, Entities & More
--- Paranormal Artifacts
--- Pendulums and Divination Accessories
--- Protection Tools for Banishing, Shielding, Guarding
--- Pyramids
--- Seance Kit
--- Spell Candles
--- Witch Balls
--- Witch Bottles & Spell Jars
--- Witch Rosary and Pagan Prayer Beads
Witchcraft, Pagan, New Age, Wiccan, Occult, Spiritual Supplies & Tools
--- Altar Bells & Tingsha
--- Altar Supplies
------ Tables
------ Tiles
------ Book Holders
------ Cloths
------ Bells
------ Ritual Offering Bowls & Plates
------ Cauldrons
------ Chalices
------ Ritual Wear
------ Magical Wands & Besom Brooms
------ Athames
------ Sachet & Ritual Powders
------ Spellbottles
------ Salts
------ Parchment Paper, Ink & Supplies
------ Travel altars & spell Kits
------ Herbal Spell Mixes
------ Ritual Rice & Salts
------ Ritual Waters, Colognes & Air Fresheners
--- Amulets & Talismans
------ Animal Totems
------ By Manufacturer
--------- Charme et Sortilege (Made in Canada)
--------- Ecosmart Designs (Made in USA)
--------- Magick Crafts (Made in USA)
--------- Metal Rock Mfg. Co. (Made in USA)
--------- Mistic Products
--------- Other
------ Celtic, Norse, & Dragons
------ Charms & Talismans
------ Crosses, Saints & Angels
------ Dragons
------ Eastern
------ Fairies
------ Goddess
------ Magic Symbols & Seals
------ Mixed Genre
------ Norse
------ Pentacles & Pentagrams
------ Pocket Charms
------ Wicca, Pentagrams & Magic Seals
------ All Amulets & Talismans
------ Miscellaneous Amulets
------ Moon, Sun & Stars
--- Bags, Pouches & Totes
------ Velveteen Bags
------ Velveteen Pouches
------ Back Packs
------ Cotton bags & Tea Bags
------ Organza Pouches
------ Satin pouches
------ Tote Bags
------ ReSealable & Open End Bags
------ Bottles, Jars & Gel Caps
------ Pouches &Tarot Bags
------ Sets of Bags & Pouches
------ All Pouches, Bags, & Totes
--- Banks
--- Banners, Flags, & Pennants
--- Best Sellers
--- Books & Journals
------ Calendar, Magazines & Almanac
------ Divination, Astral Dreams, Meditation & Astrology
------ Oils, Herbs, & Plant Magic
------ Kids Books, Mythical Creatures, Dragons & Fairies
------ Esoteric & Occult
------ Mind, Body, Soul & New Age
------ Spellcraft, Witchcraft & Magic
------ Tarot & Divination books
------ Book Holder, Wax Sealing & Calligraphy
------ Paganism & Wicca
------ Spirituality, Angels, & Spirits
------ Anglo-Saxon Traditions
------ Crystals, Stones & Gemstones
------ Celtic, Druidry & Nature
------ Calendars & Almanacs
------ Journals
--------- Leather
--------- Journals
------ Voodoo, Hoodoo & Santeria
------ Books for Beginners
------ Little Bit, Little Book & Llewellyn Series
------ All Books & Journals
------ Cleansing, Protection & Candle Magic
--- Bottles, Jars & Baggies
------ Gel Caps
------ Ziplock & Open End Bags
------ Bottles & Jars
--- Boxes, Chests & Tables
------ Chests
------ Cupboards
------ Decorative Boxes
------ Pewter Trinket Boxes
------ Tarot Boxes
--- Bumper Stickers & Posters
------ H - M Bumper Stickers
------ N - Z Bumper Stickers
------ Small Stickers
------ Bumper Stickers
------ Posters
------ Clearance & Discontinued Bumper Stickers
------ All Bumper Stickers, Posters & Stickers
--- Candles & Accessories
------ Charged Pillars
------ Charged Ritual Candles
------ Chime Candles
------ Crystal Journey Candles
--------- Herbal Votives
--------- Reiki Charged pillars
--------- Soy herbal votives
--------- Square votive set
--------- Chakra Pillars
--------- All Crystal Journey Candles
------ Figure Candles
------ Household & Taper Candles
------ Lailokens Awen ritual & Beeswax candles
------ Pillar Candles
------ Tealights
------ Palm Oil & Herbal Votives
--------- Colored Votives
--------- Palm oil votives
--------- Scented Votives
------ Candle Accessories
------ Candle Holders, Snuffers & Accessories
--------- Tealight holders
--------- Chime Candle Holders
--------- Votive Holders
--------- Taper Holders
--------- Pillar Holders
--------- Mini Candle Holder
--------- Oil Diffusers
--------- All Candle Holders & Oil diffusers
--------- Snuffers & Accessories
------ Escoteric 7 & 14 Day Jar Candles & Tins
--------- 7 & 14 Day (Solid Colors)
--------- 7 Day Jar Candles (purpose)
--------- Esoteric Candles in Tin
------ Chakra Candles
------ Jar & Container Candles
------ All Candles & Candle Accessories
--- Cauldrons
--- CDs
------ DVDs
------ CDs
--- Chalices
--- Clocks
--- Clothing, Patches & Totes Bags
------ Sarongs & Ritual Wear
------ Skirts
------ Stoles & Prayer shawls
------ Cloth Patches
--- Crystals, Stones & Gemstones
------ Worry & Palm Stones
------ Arrowheads, Speres & Fossils
------ Bulk Tumbled Stones
------ Figures
------ Free Shape
------ Massagers
------ Pyramids
------ Raw Bulk Stones
------ Eggs & Hearts
------ Stone Crafts & Gemstone Trees
------ Stone Hearts
------ Flats, Gift Box Sets & Crystal Kits
--------- Flats & Bulk
--------- Gift Box Sets
--------- Crystal Kits
------ Points, Generators, & Obelisks
--------- Points
--------- Obelisks & Generators
------ Selenite
------ Stones and Crystals Chips
------ Crystal Books, Grids & Mats
------ Mixed & Assorted Variety
------ Crystal & Stone Jewelry
--------- Earrings
--------- Bracelets
--------- Necklaces & Pendants
--------- Rings
--------- Crystal Energy Pendants
------ Runes
------ Pendulums
------ Orgone
------ Gazing Balls, Spheres & Stands
--------- Gazing Balls
--------- Gazing Ball Stands
--------- Spheres
------ Free Shapes
------ Crystals & Stones by Property Use
--------- Cleansing, Blocks & Alignment
------------ Tumbled Stones
------------ Raw Stones
--------- Protection & Energy Shifting
------------ Tumbled Stones
------------ Raw Stones
--------- Abundance, Luck, & Prosperity
------------ Tumbled Stones
------------ Raw Stones
--------- Balance, Grounding & Stability
------------ Tumbled Stones
------------ Raw Stones
--------- Negativity, Negative Energy & Anger
------------ Tumbled Stones
------------ Raw Stones
--------- Calming, Stress, & Emotional Support
------------ Tumbled Stones
------------ Raw Stones
--------- Anxiety, Stress, Trauma & PTSD
------------ Tumbled Stones
------------ Raw Stones
--------- Blocks Psychic & Chakra Alignment
------------ Tumbled Stones
------------ Raws Stones
--------- Change, Transitions & Flexibility
------------ Tumbled Stones
------------ Raw Stones
--------- Past Life & Journeying
------------ Tumbled Stones
------------ Untumbled Stones
--------- Addiction & Dependency Support
------------ Tumbled Stones
------------ Raw Stones
--------- Psychic Powers, Intuition & Spiritual Development
------------ Tumbled Stones
------------ Raw Stones
--------- Sleep & Dreams
------------ Tumbled Stones
------------ Raw Stones
--------- Strength, Courage & Determination
------------ Tumbled Stones
------------ Raw Stones
--------- Trust, Truth, & Self Confidence
------------ Tumbled Stones
------------ Raw Stones
--------- Communication, Telepathy & Angels
------------ Tumbled Stones
------------ Raw Stones
--------- Concentration, Memory & Focus
------------ Tumbled stones
------------ Raw Stones
--------- Courage, Strength & Support
------------ Tumbled Stones
------------ Raw Stones
--------- Creativity & Ideas
------------ Tumbled Stones
------------ Raw Stones
--------- Education, Learning, Concentration & Memory
------------ Tumbled Stones
------------ Raw Stones
--------- Emotional Support
------------ Tumbled Stones
------------ Raw Stones
--------- Fear, Doubt, & Letting Go
------------ Tumbled Stones
------------ Raw Stones
--------- Goal Setting, Organization & Structure
------------ Tumbled Stones
------------ Raw Stones
--------- Grounding & Earth Energy
------------ Tumbled Stones
------------ Raw Stones
--------- Happiness, Joy & Compassion
------------ Tumbled Stones
------------ Raw Stones
--------- Health Support, Dependency, & Sleep
------------ Tumbled Stones
------------ Raw Stones
--------- Love, Happiness & Relationships
------------ Tumbled Stones
------------ Raw Stones
--------- Meditation, Wisdom, Clarity & Alignment
------------ Tumbled Stones
------------ Raw Stones
------ Geodes, Clusters & Druse
------ Crystal & Mineral Specimens
------ Stone & Crystal Beads
------ Fine Gemstone Jewelry
------ Gemstone Candles
--- Day of the Dead
--- Discontinued Items
--- Fantasy Decor - Candleholders, Wall Hangings, Etc
--- Fantasy Statues
--- Gazing Balls
------ Faceted Crystals
------ Gazing Ball stands
------ Gazing Balls
--- Goblets, Mugs, Drinking Glasses
--- Herbal Teas & Accessories
------ Tea Accessories
------ Herbal Teas
--- Herbs & Accessories
------ Herbs
------ 1618 Gold herb 1oz packs
--------- 1618 Gold Herb 1oz packs A - M
--------- 1618 Gold Herb 1oz packs N - Z
------ Bulk Herbs
--------- Herb by the Pound N - Z
--------- Herbs by the Pound A - M
------ Herb packets
--------- Herb packets A - M
--------- Herb packets N - Z
------ Herb & Herbal Books
------ Mortar & Pestle, & Grinders
------ Sage & Smudge Sticks
--------- White Sage Smudge Sticks
--------- Assorted Smudge Sticks
--------- Loose Sage & Liquid Smudges
--------- Smudging Accessories
------ Palo Santo
------ Herbal Teas & Accessories
------ Shells, Stands, Charcoal, Sand & Feathers
------ Herbs By Magical Use
--------- Cleansing & Purification
--------- Banishing, Exorcism & Hex Breaking
--------- Protection & Evil Eye
--------- Curses, Crossing & Hexing
--------- Negativity & Bad Luck
--------- Money & Success
--------- Healing & Health
--------- Psychic Powers/Development & Divination
--------- Love, Attraction & Relationships
--------- Vitality, Strength & Courage
--------- Energy, Power & Motivation
--------- New Beginnings, Rebirth, & Fertility
--------- Sexual Functions, Lust, & Virility
--------- Court & Legal Issues
--------- Good Luck, Prosperity & Manifesting
--------- Dreams & Sleep
--------- Intuition, Visions & Astral Travel
--------- Peace, Happiness & Relaxation
--------- Blocks, Obstacles & Change
--------- Empower Spells & Sorcery
--------- Wisdom & Spiritual Growth
--------- Focus, Mental Powers & Memory
--------- Youth & Beauty
------ Herbal Spell Mixes & Ritual Smoke Blends
------ All Herb Accessories
--- Incense Burners
--- Incense & Burners
------ Liquid Incense
------ Nag Champa, Satya, Super Hit & Tribal Soul
------ Rope Incense
------ Stick Incense
--------- Wise Owl Incense
------------ Ancestral Incense
------------ Floral Incense
------------ Herbal Incense
--------- 1618 Gold Stick Incense
--------- Anna Riva Stick Incense
--------- Aura & Archangel Stick Incense
--------- Assorted Brands
--------- Auric Blends
--------- Azuregreen Stick Incense
------------ AzureGreen Stick Incense 100 g
------------ AzureGreen Stick Incense 20 pack
------------ AzureGreen Stick Incense 500 g
--------- Essential Essences Stick Incense
------------ 16 Pack Escential Essences
------------ 90 Pack Escential Essences
--------- Flower Child Natural Incense
--------- HEM incense sticks
--------- Kamini Incense
--------- Morning star & Flora Stick Incense
--------- Nature Nature & Natural Artisan Blends
--------- Sree Vani, Prabhuji's & Madre Tierra
--------- Sage Spirit Sticks & cone Incense
--------- Goloka
--------- Espiritu Incense
------------ 100 pack Espiritu
------------ 500 pack Espiritu
--------- Nag Champa & Satya Incense Sticks
--------- All Incense
--------- NEW Bulk Stick Incense
------ Charcoal & Sand
------ Cone Incense
--------- Hem Cone Incense
--------- Kamini Cone Incense
------ 1618 Gold Powder Incense
--------- Lailokens Awen loose incense
--------- Powdered Incense
--------- Prabhuji
--------- 1618 Gold Powdered Incense
------------ 1618 Gold 1 lb Powdered Incense
------------ 1618 Gold 1 oz Powdered Incense
--------- Charme et Sortilege Resin/herb
------ Stick Incense Burners
------ Granular - Resins
--------- Prabhuji - Resin Jars 2.4oz
--------- Prabhuji - 1.2 oz packets
--------- 1618 Gold Granular Incense
--------- Ancient Offerings 1/3 oz
--------- Granular Incense
--------- Govinda Pure Resin Cups
------ Palo Santo
------ Shell Burners & Wooden Stands, Tongs
------ Cone & Granular Incense Burners
------ Backflow Burners & Cones
--------- Backflow Cones
--------- Backflow Burners
------ Air Fresheners
------ Ashtrays
--- Jewelry
------ Key Chains & Ash Chambers
------ Neck Chains, Cords, & Cages
------ Pendants, Amulets & Necklaces
--------- Norse
--------- Pentacles, Pentagrams, Wicca
--------- Steampunk
--------- Wicca & Witches
--------- All Pendants & Necklaces
--------- Animal
--------- Celtic, Norse Vikings & Mythical Creatures
--------- Crosses, Saints & Angels
--------- Dragons
--------- Egyptian, God, & Goddesses
--------- Fairies
--------- Goddess
--------- Mixed Genre
--------- Necklaces with Chain or Cord
--------- Crystal & Gemstone Pendants
------ Aromatherapy
------ Pendants & Charms
--------- Pentacles & Pentagrams
--------- Stones & Crystal Pendants
--------- Wicca & Witches
--------- All Pendants & Charms
--------- Animal
--------- Celtic & Norse
--------- Crosses, Saints & Angels
--------- Eastern
--------- Goddess
--------- Sterling Silver
--------- Selenite & Orgone
------ Pendulum Bracelets
------ Mala, Ritual & Prayer Beads
--------- Prayer Beads
--------- 13 Moons
--------- Mala Beads
------ Rings
------ Sterling Silver
------ Accessories
------ All Jewelry
------ Bracelets & Anklets
--------- Copper & Magnetic
--------- Stone & Crystal Chip & Nugget Bracelets
--------- Chakra Stone Bracelets
--------- Stone & Crystal Beaded
------------ 8mm Beaded Bracelets
------------ 4mm & 6mm Beaded Bracelets/Anklets
------------ Bracelets with Charms or Pendulums
------------ 10mm & 12mm Beaded Bracelets
--------- Anklets
--------- Mixed Genre Bracelets
------ Bronze & Copper Jewelry
------ Coins & Assorted Items
------ Earrings
------ Alchemy
------ Stone & Crystal Jewelry
--------- Necklaces & Pendants
--------- Bracelets
--------- Earrings
--------- Rings
------ Fine Jewelry
--------- Earrings
--------- Pendants
--------- Rings
--------- Chains
------ Sets of Jewelry & Bulk Sets
--- Lamps and Lighting
--- Magical Wands
--- Mirrors
--- Mortar & Pestles, Grinders and Spoons
--- Mugs - Coffee
--- New Items
--- Novelty & Gift Ideas
--- Offering, Scrying & Singing Bowls
------ Ritual Bowls
------ Scrying bowls
------ Singing Bowls
------ Smudge Pot
------ Offering Bowl
--- Oils & Diffusers
------ OPO Essential-Frangrance Oils
------ Orishas
------ Pheromones
------ Prabhuji's
------ Solid Perfumes
------ Witch's Oil
------ 4 Dram & 1oz Square bottle oils
------ Anna riva oils
--------- Anna Riva 16 oz oils
--------- Anna Riva 2 Dram Oils
------ Archangel oils
------ Aura Accord Oils
--------- Aura Accord's 16oz oils
--------- Aura Accord's 1 oz Oils
--------- Aura Accord's 2 dram oils
------ Auric Blend Perfumes
------ AzureGreen 1oz Oils
------ AzureGreen 2 dram Oils
------ AzureGreen Bulk Oils
--------- AzureGreen 16oz oils
--------- AzureGreen 4oz oils
------ AzureGreen Essence Oils
------ AzureGreen Essential Oils
------ Bayou Witch
------ Espiritu Oils
--------- 16 oz Espiritu
--------- 1 oz Espiritu
--------- 2 dr Espiritu
------ Foxcraft & Envision Crystals 2 Dram Oils
------ Lailokens Awen oils
------ Essential Oils
------ Mistic Oils
------ Oil rings and Diffusers
------ Books About Oil
------ Oil Diffusers
------ Oil Bottles & Jars
------ Goloka Pure Oils & Scented Sprays
------ Satya Oils, Air Fresheners & Sprays
------ AzureGreen Oils
--------- 1lb (16oz) AzureGreen Oils
--------- 2dr AzureGreen Oils
--------- 1oz AzureGreen Oils
------ Carrier Oils
--- Pendulums & Mats
------ Pendulum Mats & Tables
------ Pendulum Bracelets
------ Pendulums
------ Pendulum & Dowsing Books
--- Posters
--- Ritual Baths, Washes & Waters
------ Washes
------ Waters
------ AzureGreen Bath Salts
------ Bath Oils & Mixes
------ Blue Balls
------ Charme et Sortilege Bath Salts
------ Ritual Bath Kits
--- Ritual Supplies
------ Spell Bottles
------ Feathers, Writing Supplies & Parchment Paper
------ Herbal Mixes
------ Herbal Trio Kits
------ Lodestones & Magnetic Sand
------ Parchment, Ink, & Writing kits
------ Ritual Athames
------ Ritual Items & Spell Supplies
------ Ritual Kits
------ Ritual & Sachet Powders
------ Ritual Smoke blends
------ Magical Wands & Besom Brooms
------ Ritual Bath Kits
------ Ritual & Offering Bowls
------ Charged Ritual Candles
------ Ritual Rice & Salts
--- Runes & Rune Products
--- Soaps, Waters & Bath Products
------ Soaps & Toothpaste
------ Colognes
------ Eye Pillows
------ Hennas
------ Massage oils
------ Salve
------ Perfume & Colognes
------ Shea Butter
------ Herbal Mixes
------ Ritual Bath Kits & Products
------ Bath Salts
------ Waters
------ Ritual Washes
------ Sachet Powers
------ Scented Sprays & Air Fresheners
--- Smudge Sticks, Sage & Palo Santo
------ Shells, Burners, Feathers & Accessories
------ All Smudge Sticks & Burning Accessories
------ Ancient Aromas
------ New Age
------ Sage Spirit
------ White Sage & Assorted Smudges
------ Energy Clearing Books
------ Loose Sage & Palo Santo Products
--- Statues
------ Wall and Window Hanging
------ Wind Chimes
------ All Statues
------ Dream Catchers
------ Statues by Group
--------- Steampunk
--------- Archangels
--------- Buddhist, Hindu & Eastern Statues
--------- Celtic & Norse Statues
--------- Door Knockers
--------- Egyptian Statues
--------- Fantasy
--------- Figurines
--------- Greek and Roman Statues
--------- Novelty Statues
--------- Occult Statues
--------- Santeria Statues
--- Steampunk
--- Supernatural Gear - Clothing, Hats, Mugs, Totes & Bumper Stickers
------ Fantasy Coffee Mugs
------ Greeting Cards
------ Metaphysical Hats
------ Paranormal Tote Bags
------ Supernatural Shirts
--- Tapestries, Windchimes, Wall Hangings & Doormats
------ Wind Chimes & Dream Catchers
------ Tapestries, Flags & Doormats
------ Wall Hangings
------ All Wall hangings, Chimes & Tapestries
--- Tarot Bags & Wax Seals
--- Tarot Decks & Divination
------ Tarot & Oracle Deck Sets & Starter Kits
------ Tarot Decks
------ All Divination
------ Oracle Decks & Reading Cards
------ Runes
------ Spirit Boards
------ Tarot & Rune Pouches
------ Pendulums
------ Tarot & Divination Books
------ Spirit Boards, Pendulum Maps & Grids
------ Scrying, Palm Reading & Divination Kits
------ Gazing Balls
--------- Gazing Ball Stands
--------- Gazing Balls
------ All Tarot & Oracle Decks and Sets
--- Voodoo, Hoodoo, & Santeria
------ Charme et Sortilege Spell & Ritual Components
------ Mojo Bags
------ Voodoo Dolls & Ritual Components
------ Ritual Beads
------ Related Books & Decks
------ Sachet Powders
------ Santeria Tools & Ritual Wear
------ All Voodoo, Hoodoo & Saneria
--- Sets & Multiple Bulk Items
--- Viking & Celtic
------ Books,Tarot & Oracles
------ Runes & Rune Books
------ Jewelry
------ Viking & Celtic Products
------ ALL Viking & Celtic Products
--- Scrying
--- Athames & Swords
--- Lamps & Lighting
--- Sound & Vibrational Healing
--- Home Decor
--- Dream Catchers
--- New Products
--- Creativity & Beads
------ Creative Supplies
------ Gemstone Beads
------ Crystal Chips
--- Featured Products
--- Clearance Reduced Pricing
--- Journals
------ Leather Journals - all
------ Resin Journals
------ Journals - Hard Cover
------ Journals - Made in the USA
--- Salts
------ Bath Salts & Bath Ritual Kits
------ Salt
--- Waters, Washes & Sprays
--- New Products Coming Soon
--- Kits
------ Ritual Spell Kits
------ Ritual Bath Products
------ Gemstone Kits
------ Writing Kits & Sealing Wax
------ Smudging & Resin Kits
------ Tarot & Divination Kits
------ All Kits
--- Supplies & Paper
------ Parchment Paper
------ Stationary Supplies
------ ReSealable & Open End Bags
------ Bottles, Jars & Gel Caps
--- Altar Cloths
--- Fine Jewelry
--- Teas & Accessories
--- Meditation & Wellness
------ Books, & Journals
------ Candles, Incense, Accessories
------ Reading Cards & Chakra Sets
------ Jewelry & Mala Beads
------ Crystal Massagers & Sound Healing
------ Herbal Teas & Accessories
------ Soaps & Toothpaste
------ Scented Sprays, Roll Ons & Colognes
--- Chakra & Reiki Products
--- Bowls, Plates & Mugs
--- Collections
------ Angels
------ Abundance, Prosperity, & Money
------ Moon Products
------ Sun & Stars
------ Pentagrams & Pentacles
------ Love
------ Protection
------ Chakra & Reiki
--- Mortar & Pestles