Dragon Spirits

The work with dragons’ magic is very different from other magical procedures, and in this sphere, you cannot neglect certain rules. You need to learn visualization and meditation, to master self-discipline. To work with dragons’ spirits, you have to exchange energy. All these mentioned above are important components of any magical practice. Well, in order to facilitate the procedure for summoning the dragons’ spirits, we offer to use special spells presented in our store. They are able not only to summon certain spirit, for example, Air Dragon, Chinese Dragon, Earth Dragon, Elemental Dragon, Water Dragon, Western Dragon and others, but also to establish with it a strong connection that will not weaken over the time. In order to strengthen your connection and the dragon’s spirit become more and more favorable to you, you can purchase a place where it can rest while being in our world. You will see that by spending time in this Charging Box, the spirit you have called will become more energetic and more communicative.