Elite Living Entities of Dark Arts

Binding of Rare or Elite Dark Arts Living Entities from various locations throughout the Universe.

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  • Living Entity Binding - Custom Conjuration - The Asitri - Magickal Beings Of Mystical Gifts

    Living Entity Binding - Custom Conjuration - The Asitri - Magickal Beings Of Mystical Gifts

    They are a highly evolved species of amazing magickal power. They are a luminescent race whose human-like form is intriguing as they have a vast variation of coloring, shape, and size. They are mystically gifted when it comes to working with spells and magick as it is part of their life, their communities, and their purpose. They have an incredibly high rate of magickal energy which vibrates and illuminates not only themselves but everything in close proximity. Their homeland is primarily in hues of blue with a small, pebbled surface of stones, low mountain regions, and they thrive in communities throughout their planet. They have familial units that are larger than our own because they are polygamous and they live with their mutual partners and offspring.

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    • $65.00
  • Living Entity Binding - Custom Conjuration - The Hallinan - Angelic Beings Of Grace & Ethereal Power

    Living Entity Binding - Custom Conjuration - The Hallinan - Angelic Beings Of Grace & Ethereal Power

    They are angelic-like beings, without wings, they have highly reflective skin, human-like in appearance but they have large eyes, longer appendages, and a misty aura of energy that surrounds them all the time. They are quite unique in their stance as they "walk" in a fluid, almost floating form. They are graceful to a point of being ethereal. They have a nude form of body that is not vulgar and is conducive to their species and their ability of hyper-speed flight. As a race their abilities are staggering. They can tamper with the minds of others, their words can charm people into doing what they wish, and they have a powerfully unique ability to manipulate the will of others. They can make another being do what they wish.

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    • $65.00
  • Living Entity Binding - Custom Conjuration - The Multex - Spiritual Realm Protectors

    Living Entity Binding - Custom Conjuration - The Multex - Spiritual Realm Protectors

    They are among different classifications of species considered "Gate Keepers" within the Spiritual Realm. They are very dark, certainly on the side of the DA scale closer to BA. They are constantly moving, always watching, are lightning-fast in movement, and protect areas within the Spiritual Realm from those who would seek to cause harm or trouble. They are so aggressively dark because they are guardians against Black Arts entities from disrupting the progression of spirits within the Spiritual Realm. They are far more expedient than Grimmys when it comes to taking action and they have no involvement in death itself, only in keeping the Spiritual Realm as free as possible of other entities or even humans from enacting terror upon the Spiritual Realm.

    Score: 5.00 (votes: 10)
    Reviews: 10
    • $65.00
  • Living Entity Binding - Custom Conjuration - The Astral Vampires From The Astral Realm

    Living Entity Binding - Custom Conjuration - The Astral Vampires From The Astral Realm

    Xarimar are a very dark & sinister race of Astral Vampires from the Astral Realm. They are not for the light-hearted or those who don't like to be spooked once in awhile. They are semi-polymorphers. They can change various aspects of their physical appearance but they cannot change their whole shape. They are predators on their planet of precision skill and decided action. They have an elongated, wispy shape, with long fangs and long nails, huge ears (not quite as spiky as the representative picture), and huge eyes. They are aggressive by nature, can move with lightning speed and are often caught only by the corner of the eye. They are usually cloaked in multiple layers of clothing-like material that can shift and move according to their needed stance for predatory behavior. They have a shrill sound they can emit that causes immediate paralysis, and they practice a magick known only to their kind that amplifies their natural, predatory skills & behaviors. Their magick is very dark, very powerful, and beyond ancient.

    Score: 5.00 (votes: 1)
    Reviews: 1
    • $65.00
  • Living Entity Binding - Custom Conjuration - The Creeling - Astral Magick

    Living Entity Binding - Custom Conjuration - The Creeling - Astral Magick

    They are certainly on the darker side of the DA spectrum. They are potent & powerful practitioners who practice an ancient form of magick known only to them. Their species ranges in its abilities as every Creeling has magickal powers by birth, but the extent of the influence of those powers and what kind of powers they develop are varied. Some of the Creelings are known as bone collectors; they utilize the organic matter in the bones of their own species and other species in their homeland to cultivate and further their magick. Some of the Creelings are known as soul collectors because they trap and keep souls to cast their magick. Most of the Creelings fall into a more general sense of magick & power as they use their sheer powers and abilities.

    Score: 5.00 (votes: 1)
    Reviews: 1
    • $65.00
  • Living Entity Binding - Custom Conjuration - The Tildercran - Astral Wolves

    Living Entity Binding - Custom Conjuration - The Tildercran - Astral Wolves

    They are known as Astral Wolves, but they are not limited to that shape. It is certainly their most favorite shape but they are also known to appear in the forms of other creatures. They live in large, social communities and they thrive on interaction. They like to engage others, be involved in tasks, and work very well not only among themselves but other similar species. They are hunters extraordinaire who have the powers of invisibility, mimicking the sounds of other species, and can emit a venom through their bite that can take down something ten times their size. For these reasons they are stealthy guardians who can offer you impressive security opportunities.

    Score: 5.00 (votes: 6)
    Reviews: 6
    • $65.00
  • Living Entity Binding - Custom Conjuration - Aminobirg - Tasked Minions Of The Astral Realm

    Living Entity Binding - Custom Conjuration - Aminobirg - Tasked Minions Of The Astral Realm

    They are more of a neutral force than anything, but they should be considered Dark Arts. They are neither for you or against you, they are neither your friend or your enemy, they are tasked merely with whatever their leader tells them. However, they can only be tasked by a being more powerful than themselves, and the Aminobirgs are high on the list of powerful, Astral beings. They are hunted and sought after by other living beings who are powerful to capture and use them as minions for their desires. Sometimes they serve a purpose and they are returned, sometimes they are never released. They are not easy to capture in physical form from their homeland, but if they are they have incredible power as they are a nearly unstoppable force. They are made of a heavy, metallic substance and can control the physical actions of other living beings within a close radius. Their vocal "roar" can make anyone temporarily deaf and confused.

    Score: 5.00 (votes: 1)
    Reviews: 1
    • $65.00
  • Living Entity Binding - Custom Conjuration - Sparupufel - The Adventurers Of The Universe

    Living Entity Binding - Custom Conjuration - Sparupufel - The Adventurers Of The Universe

    I won't kid you, they can be very spooky little fellows when they choose to manifest to you. They are small, around 2'-4' in height, slender, hairless, have abnormally large mouths, beady eyes, and make very strange sounds. To be honest you're more likely to hear the Sparupufels than you are to see them, but how they choose to be your companion is entirely up to them. They are travelers in the Universe, they do not like to sit still. They live in large communities in their homeland and from there they can take off in small groups or large groups to explore. They usually travel in groups between a handful up to several hundred. They have telekinetic abilities which they use often to their advantage in every situation. They move like fluid ghosts through the air and they can make most other living beings experience temporary memory loss (usually to disguise the fact they've visited and usually take something from them).

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    • $65.00
  • Living Entity Binding - Custom Conjuration - Esark - Two Sides Of The Coin

    Living Entity Binding - Custom Conjuration - Esark - Two Sides Of The Coin

    They are the gossamer beings of the Spiritual Realm who are the guides and protectors of sacred grounds. They live on the Spiritual Realm but they can physically manifest on the Earthen Realm when needed. They are always shrouded in what looks like a veil and is made entirely of energy. They have the power to manipulate the physical bodies of other living beings and they use it solely to protect everything considered a sacred ground and are also guides to those who pass away. They help those who are lost, confused, and need assistance in crossing over. They help to balance and maintain the continual connections of fabric between the Spiritual & Earthen Realms. Those who desecrate or defile sacred ground which is protected or monitored by an Esark can find themselves the recipient of what is considered to be a "curse" by human standards. If the Esark does not physically manipulate you they can cast upon you a limitless repertoire of dark and sinister magick.

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    • $65.00
  • Living Entity Binding - Custom Conjuration - The Falwer-Niamstrum - Astral Magick

    Living Entity Binding - Custom Conjuration - The Falwer-Niamstrum - Astral Magick

    They are everything you wish for when you think of the tall, dark stranger or the voluptuous, bad-ass beauty. They are shifters who can take on any form but their true form is very close to a human's appearance, but with a glossy, almost "too perfect", ethereal veil around them. They are into their physical shape and keeping up with their abilities in strength, endurance, and power. They are incredibly generous when it comes to helping you realize what potential you have in your own life. They have the ability to take on any form they wish, they are mind-readers who can not only read thoughts but also read past life memories, they are highly sexual entities who place a lot of value not only on pleasure but being able to give pleasure, and they are hardcore protectors who are merciless against any foe.

    Score: 5.00 (votes: 3)
    Reviews: 3
    • $65.00
  • Living Entity Binding - Custom Conjuration - The Ulasi - Kinetic Masters & Polymorphers

    Living Entity Binding - Custom Conjuration - The Ulasi - Kinetic Masters & Polymorphers

    They are a very powerful race of entities whose powers are in far-reaching. Their Kinetic abilities along are staggering. They are a highly-evolved species that possesses incredible influence over others. They can move objects, read thoughts, absorb knowledge & energy, see past/present/future in dimensions unknown to others, they can shift and shape Destiny, and they can empower others beings by stimulating the natural gifts & abilities they have for growth. They are an unusual and gifted race of entities. They can provide great weight of power and assistance to you in developing your natural abilities & talents.

    Score: 5.00 (votes: 3)
    Reviews: 3
    • $65.00
  • Living Entity Binding - Custom Conjuration - The Sy-Ui - Shifters, Chaos, Life & Death

    Living Entity Binding - Custom Conjuration - The Sy-Ui - Shifters, Chaos, Life & Death

    They have a human-like appearance but their features are soft and not as defined. Their skin is much thinner than ours and you can see the bone structure through their skin like a faint, ghostly image. They are exotically beautiful entities and they are evolved in their abilities & gifts with supernatural purpose. They are shifters who can slightly shift their shape. They cannot become an entirely different entity but they can change their appearance in keeping with their form (i.e. coloring of any attribute, facial features, body type, etc). They work with chaos energy on the greatest level. They can manipulate and control the force of chaos to its greatest levels. They are wondrously powerful entities who have direction and confidence. They are also capable of controlling the forces of life and death. Under certain circumstances they can bring things back to life or drain life from other species in their homeland. Everything that lives in their homeland shares a common thread and the Sy-Ui can control that common thread.

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    • $65.00
  • Living Entity Binding - Custom Conjuration Of Enak - Shape-Shifting Conquerors Of Magick

    Living Entity Binding - Custom Conjuration Of Enak - Shape-Shifting Conquerors Of Magick

    Enaks are shape-shifters whose natural state is a somewhat human-like but they are far more muscular than we are and they usually stand 8-10ft tall. They are practitioners of magick unique to them and they utilize magick as a daily occurrence in all they do. They are loyal to their friends and family alone; therefore they will be loyal to you alone. They are a conquering species who have conquered the majority of their homeland. They use magick in war and have crafted amazing blends of spells & magick that outweigh anything other species in their homeland have to use. They are very protective, quick to give you guidance and assistance with magick & the practice of magick in your life, and they are unyielding, loyal companions who will come to you as often as you wish. They do work well with other entities, spirits, and magick. They are imaginative in problem-solving, and outspoken!

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    • $65.00
  • Living Entity Binding - Custom Conjuration - The Lariade - Astral Travelers & Spies

    Living Entity Binding - Custom Conjuration - The Lariade - Astral Travelers & Spies

    They are Astral travelers unlike anything you've seen before. They are capable of completely breaking down their being into particles. The picture is representative, but the Lariade are a much less-defined species in body type. They have a smooth, hairless body that is not defined with muscle, but they have a similar appearance to humans. They have facial features, they are around 5'-8' (on average) in true form, but they can break themselves down completely into particles which allows them to travel in the most surprising ways. Because of their unique ability they travel great distances and have been known as spies, for their own species and other species, throughout the Universe. They are an enterprising species who enjoy a good challenge, are adventurers-at-heart, and have incredibly diverse abilities.

    Score: 5.00 (votes: 1)
    Reviews: 1
    • $65.00
  • Living Entity Binding - The Valio From The Astral Realm - Heroes & Champions

    Living Entity Binding - The Valio From The Astral Realm - Heroes & Champions

    They are winged crusaders who are extremely rare, extremely sought after, and possess the type of golden personality you can only dream about. They are the epitome of what a hero should be. They are a race who are the champions of underdogs, the rescuers of those in need, and the stoic hero who comes to your aid in times of trouble. They are also the attentive and passionately loyal companion who will be a friend and guide to you in any endeavor. They are among the most powerful the Universe as they can exercise a host of supernatural abilities within the Realms. They have the ability to control action, movement, thought, and behavior. They can manifest anything from what seems like nothing, they can animate or suspend animation in any object, and they are blessed with omnipotence. They use their abilities to be the heroes and champions they wish to be.

    Score: 5.00 (votes: 4)
    Reviews: 4
    • $150.00
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