Master Vessel

Master Vessel

Master Vessel listings for all spirits or spells you desire.

  • Creation Of Master Vessel - Singular Source Of All The Spells & Spirits You Have

    A Master Vessel is a singular source of all the spells & spirits you desire to have on one vessel. I, for one, have several master vessels, because of the sheer number of spells & spirits I work with. For most people one Master Vessel certainly works. Because of the way we construct the bindings that comprise a Master Vessel, you can mix any spirits or spells of the White Arts, Dark Arts/Grey Arts, or Black Arts on one vessel

    Score: 4.9 (votes: 30)
    Reviews: 28
    • $43.75
    • 43   – Reward points
  • Addition Of Master Vessels - Singular Source Of All The Spells & Spirits You Have

    If you already have one Master Vessel and you want to add additional Master Vessels to your collection, you can utilize this listing.  This additional Master Vessel is an extension of your current Master Vessel.  Which means, anything you do to your original Master Vessel will be reflected in this addition.  This can be a good option if someone wants to share their Master Vessel with their partner/spouse, or child.  Any bindings removed/added to the original Master Vessel will reflect on the addition.

    Score: 5.0 (votes: 10)
    Reviews: 10
    • $43.75
    • 43   – Reward points
  • Custom Designed Master Vessel - Spells From Ash & Magnolia & Room For Your Future

    This powerful Master Vessel includes all of our perks like our Dead Spell so no one knows the vessel is paranormal (even to the most trained eye), shielding against any malicious spirit or magick directed towards you, and an eternal cleansing & charging spell which keeps the bindings added at their peak. You have the opportunity to copy or transmute your bindings to your Master Vessel, and as it is Bridged you don't have to wear or carry the vessel to connect & interact with the bindings.

    Score: 5.0 (votes: 29)
    Reviews: 29
    • $81.25
    • 81   – Reward points
    • 75% off

    Add Previous Bindings to Master Vessel

    If you do not feel comfortable moving previous bindings from CH to your Master Vessel, you can use this listing to purchase the work to be performed.  You will need to purchase 1 quantity of each binding you want moved.

    You can perform any move of a spirit, entity, or spell yourself by using the instructions that came with your Master Vessel, and not purchase this listings. 

    We will only move CH bindings from your account to a CH Master Vessel.  

    You will need to include the order number and title of each binding that you wish to be moved.

    Score: 5.0 (votes: 1)
    Reviews: 1
      • 75% off
      $20.00save $15.00
    • $5.00
    • 5   – Reward points
    • 75% off

    The Intensity Of All From Master Vessels Into One

    You will receive a Master Vessel that has been created from a trove of spells, rituals, and enchantments. This is created specifically for you, and contains thousands of spells & enchantments from our Master Vessels into your vessel. These are not bindings intended for those who are new to the paranormal. They are for, at least, intermediates & those who want to reach a defined level of paranormal power in their lifetime. You do not have to be a Master to use the bindings, but some will take you time to grow into.

    Read the full details below.

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      • 75% off
      $1600.00save $1200.00
    • $400.00
    • 400   – Reward points



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