Aura & Chakras Spells Bindings
The aura is a thin, invisible shell, a sort of energy field that surrounds the entire body. Aura carries a lot of information about the person's personality, his way of life, health, thoughts and feelings. The aura constantly changes its color, but each person has a basic color that does not change. Any human condition is reflected in the color of the aura. The aura is excitable, interactive and alive. If we are in a harmonious state, the aura reflects this in its form and colors. If we are "knocked out" from the balance of our aura, it changes its color and takes a disharmonious form.
Chakras are the seven energy centers of man that distribute cosmic energy. Disorders in the work of chakras often lead to problems and various kinds of diseases. Chakras are located in places of large plexuses. Each chakra has its own name and has its purpose.
It is the question of great importance to pay attention and keep the aura and chakras in order. To help with these tasks can spells and bindings, which are presented in our store. To provide strength, balance, to activate chakras and clean the aura is real with the help of these spells and bindings.
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