Dream Spells Bindings

What is a dream? Reflection of the physical and mental state of a person? Or something prophetic, having an unearthly nature? Mostly it depends on a person who sees a dream, and, of course, on his belief in their mysterious power. However, dreams were always endowed with magical properties and some force was attributed to them. A dream is a kind of a tunnel, through which a person can enter the astral world.

Here you can find hundreds of spells and bindings, related to dreams, lucid dreaming, dream influence, dream magic, etc. With the help of these spells, it will be easier to travel through all three Realms. While you are dreaming, you can see not only your past lives, but also future. Moreover, you will be able to contact with spirits and cause prophetic dreams. If you are tired of dreams, in store there is a specific spell to have a dreamless night, too! Just check the catalogue to choose the most convenient one for you.

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