Past Life Reading Spells Bindings

The topic of past lives has appeared more and more often, and it is understandable, because it is covered with mystery. There are no specific answers, but there are many questions. Everyone is interested to know what past life was like, what you did there, what experience could be transferred to the next life. There are various ways to find out answers, to see everything with your own eyes, for example, with the help of hypnosis, meditation, consciously called dreams and other techniques, or simply use magical readings, spells and ritual bindings for traveling to past lives.

What will give you a journey into your past life? The opportunity to know yourself better, to learn something forgotten what you knew how to do before, find your ancestors, cleanse your energy and much more. Having tried such travel one day, you just do not want to give it up, each time you will learn something new, which will help you live a full life here and now.

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    Palm Stone For Past Lives Power & Magick

    You will receive one of these palm stones imbued with an enchantment to allow you to obtain & utilize powers & magic from any or ALL of your past lives! This is an absolutely incredible tool to have at your disposal! Through this enchantment you will have the powers & magic of any spell you ever cast in any of your past lives, any supernatural abilities you obtained in any of your past lives and so forth! This is a tool you can work your entire life with!

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      • 35% off
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    • $12.95
    • 12   – Reward points
  • Binding Of All Your Past Lives

    You will receive a binding which contains a binding that is all of your past lives. When you use the binding, you will have an immediate connection to all your past lives; be able to connect, interact with, and learn from your past lives.  This allows you to further your abilities and talents that relate to past lives you have experienced. The binding will provide you with visions, dreams, and telepathic messages from your past lives.  These connections can occur at any time, and will help you to develop and learn what your opportunities can be unearthed!

    Score: 5.0 (votes: 2)
    Reviews: 2
    • $79.00
    • 79   – Reward points
  • You're Never Alone Spell for Connection To Past Life Friends

    This binding brings you a powerful connection to past life friends - allowing you to reconnect through lucid dreams, visions, and telepathic messages. This enchantment will reconnect you with spirits of people who you created a close connection with, who you bonded with and befriended.  As you work with this, it will help you rekindle the friendship you once shared. It's a fantastic binding to learn more about yourself in past lives.  It will help you understand what traits and behaviors you had in past lives that are shared in this life.  Read full details below.

    Score: 5.0 (votes: 2)
    Reviews: 2
    • $6.25
    • 6   – Reward points
  • Don't Look Back Spell for Resolutions Of All Things In The Past

    All options include a full-color, downloadable PDF file which contains the spell that you can cast yourself as many times as you wish!


    This enchantment helps you resolve things from your past - including your past in this life, as well as past life problems that may be impacting you now. This is a complex binding with powerful influence to help you resolve issues that may be causing you difficulty. This can be problems related to any area of your life, such as love, family, personal, spiritual, etc.  The enchantment works to help you let go & not harbor negative energy, and welcome positive, restorative power in your journey.  As you work with this enchantment, it will help you gain focus on what is important and nurture everything good around you.  In working through past life issues, the enchantment works well through meditation and sleep cycle.  It is a great binding for work with energies of self-love, self-acceptance, and reinforcing confidence.


    1. Cast Yourself - Receive a PDF download for you to cast the spell (PDF only)
    2. Cast & Bind Yourself - Receive a PDF download & Spell Kit (Herbs, candle, gemstone)
    3. Precast Binding - Receive a PDF download & precast binding of the spell ready for use (You choose vessel)

    You will have the option to choose which Arts to cast the spell in, and the option to include Activation/Deactivation Code Words.

    Score: 5.0 (votes: 2)
    Reviews: 2
    • $12.99
    • 12   – Reward points
  • Past Life Romances Spell to Re-Connect With Those You Loved

    This enchantment is to help you re-connect with those you loved in a past life. Whether you were married, or were in a short-term or long-term relationship, this binding brings you closer to the people you were in love with previously.  The magick of the spell connects you with any past life love, be they Humans, Elves, Vampires, Giants, Merfolk, etc. 

    The binding will work through visions, telepathic messages, and dreams. In learning about your past life loves you will learn more about yourself and perhaps even realize patterns and cycles that you still have in this life.  Any spirit that comes to re-connect with you through this spell, will not be bound, so they can come and go at-will.  You can re-connect & get to know each other again, to any degree you both deem appropriate.

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    • $6.25
    • 6   – Reward points
  • Life Bleed Through Spell to Keep Your Life Pure

    Whether you've lived a few lives or hundreds of them the bleed through effect is something to which no one is immune. With every life you carry a little bit of the previous life which can become quite the quagmire of energy when you stack hundreds of lives upon each other. For some, they don't mind the additional "flavor", while others can emotionally/mentally/physically feel the weight of the previous lives on them in this life. This binding removes the influence and bearing of the bleed through from your previous lives. That way you are living this life purely as who you are right now!

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    • $65.00
    • 65   – Reward points
  • Spell For Alignment Of Past Life Connections

    This magick of this spell aligns you with all past life connections that have manifested in your present lifetime as well.   The enchantment helps you to reconnect with past life memories, gifts, skills, or abilities that bear significance in this lifetime.  As well as providing you guidance regarding the types of people, animals, and places you are associated with now, that also have some tie to you in a past life. 

    Each life you have lived creates a tie and connection with you, carried through via reincarnations.  When you align your current life with past lives - everything you’ve already known, accomplished, learned, or experienced, you provide yourself a great boost for success. You eliminate the need to “reinvent the wheel” in this life and take advantage of everything you've already gained through past lives.  The past life connections forged through this enchantment give you solid ground to become someone truly remarkable, and to utilize all the supernatural & natural powers you've gained through lifetimes.

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    • $6.25
    • 6   – Reward points
  • Everything You Want To Be Spell - Power To Reach Life Milestones

    This spell helps you to become everything you wish to be in your life. You will activate the binding with what you wish to happen for you and the layered enchantments of the binding connect you within all 3 Realms to all paths and interactions which help you to achieve important milestones in your life. There is tremendous potential within you that needs simply be unlocked for you to understand and explore the greater aspects of your supernatural abilities. This multi-layered enchantment is the foundation and building blocks of everything that you need to be everything you want in your life.

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    • $65.00
    • 65   – Reward points
  • Memories of the Past Spell

    You will receive an incredible binding that allows you to experience the memories of your new spirits friends in your order and (when applicable) you will also receive any memories of past lives you shared together!  Your dreams & visions as related to this spell will be vivid, realistic, and full of detail to help you realize when the magic of the binding is working.  This will help you create a close and personal tie to your new spirit friends, and help you create a tight & unbreakable bond so you will have them manifest and interact on a more personal level.

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    • $43.75
    • 43   – Reward points
  • Rare Ritual binding related to Past Life Collection of Power & Abilities

    Awaken your past life and regain the powers and abilities that you earned and achieved during your previous incarnations.  It is with this spell that you gain the upperhand and you take greater control over your life and the power that you have in this life that relates to past incarnations that you gained tremendous power and influence through.  You will regain your powers through recognition and realization of your power through past life memories, lucid dreams, and intuitive connections.

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    • $79.00
    • 79   – Reward points
  • This Life & The Last - Spell to Resolve the Bleeding Edges of Life

    A resolution binding which allows you to resolve all past life conflicts and blockages that may be posing some irritation or misalignment in your present life. Through this binding you will discover you entire self and balance yourself with your past lives. You will have premonitions, visions, and dreams involving your past lives and be able to immediately discover the problems which are plaguing you in this life. You will be able to find resolution and peace as you dissolve the bonds which tie you to past life situations.

    This binding grants you visions to see into the future of your present life and be able to look back through your past lives. You can comb through the lives you've lived and see the lives where you were your strongest. You can pull through those abilities, gifts, and powers you achieved in those lives to help you through this life. Many people leave this valuable resource untapped. It is a resource which can yield amazing results in helping you along your path. This binding will help you to focus and determine your efforts for true connection through your life.

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    • $150.00
    • 150   – Reward points
  • Witchery Alignment Spell

    This spell aligns you with your ancestral heritage, past lives, and present-life powers associated with the supernatural - unifying them into a single, powerful stream of magickal energy.  This sharply-focused stream creates a fortified foundation of power for you to further examine, develop, and explore your supernatural abilities within your 3 bodies.  The spell will guide you, through intuitive feeling & telepathic message, towards paths of magick that currently present you with the best opportunities.  This will greatly help you accumulate all of your Witchery gifts - enhancing your magickal and mystical skills, and achieving your related goals. Through this single potent source, your supernatural abilities can unite in greater harmony.  The magick, spells, rituals, and supernatural endeavors you work with will respond collectively and with greater, personal support.  Read full details below.

    Score: 5.0 (votes: 2)
    Reviews: 2
    • $6.25
    • 6   – Reward points



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