Construct, ThoughtForm, Servitor

We deal with the constructs, thought forms and servitors created for various purposes, tasks and companionship. Our custom thought forms are made from your personal energy and become the extension of yourself. They give a great support to achieve your intimate goals and to make a personal evolution. You can choose a temporary or a permanent thought form. The custom servitors are made from your personal Astral energy. They can have any form you like: animal, mineral, jewelry or something else. The servitors will help you to cope with any problem, to make any task and to achieve the goals in the Astral Realm. And the last products, the custom energy constructs, are made from the specific energy obtained for the chosen purpose. For example, a metaphysical construct is created from the metaphysical energy, a love construct is created from the love energy, etc. You can also choose the сustom-made chimera construct. It is the culmination of three constructs and can be compared with a master spirit in a spirit family. All the constructs, servitors and thought forms are bound directly to your spirit. This ensures the highest quality connection. Plus, we have multi-layer spell programs for any construct, servitor or thought form for further bindings. You can add one of them to your order.


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