Creepy Hollows Exclusives
Our webstore has a great number of various exclusive products that are our own inventions with a specific design. Here is a short row of the items. Please be aware that a wide range of such items is situated in the appropriate categories. Therefore, you won’t be able to find the master services, spirit stones, charging boxes and other wares created by Creepy Hollows in this webstore section. Nevertheless, here are several magic bags, aeon orbs, spells and para-technological bindings to serve your varied purposes. The Stranding stone creates a temporary tie between you and a target. The Bridging stone made in a copyrighted technique allows the spirits and spells to be with both the vessel and the Keeper. The Power orb can help you to discover energies, powers, spirits and magic around you. And the CH pendant has a blend of incredible enchantments of Phoenix magic to renew yourself and to achieve some extra goals.
Also, we have many other tools that can serve you, for example, to see things at night, to work through life's experiences and milestones, to attract either spirits or the energies of magic. You can get more information about each item in its description by clicking the title. Don’t miss your chance to get the exclusive products from CH!