Flash Sale

Flash Sales are listings that feature special pricing for a limited time, or are listings that are only available at specific times of year.  All listings in these categories are deeply-discounted and do not qualify for any other promotions or free gifts.

    • New!
    • 92% off

    Tuner - Full & Complete Control For Interaction With Gargoyles

    Our Tuners work with any who wish to connect & interact with spirits. The binding allows you to control the types of connections & interactions you have with your spirit companions, and even unbounds. You will have Code Words which will give you full control to operate this binding to full potential.

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      • 92% off
      $525.00save $485.01
    • $39.99
    • 39   – Reward points
    • 67% off

    Summon & Binding Of Incredible Astral & Spiritual Powers And Energies

    You can use this amulet on its own to summon spirits, entities, and Immortals of the Astral & Spiritual Realms. You can also use it to Bind any spirits willing to be bound after they have come to you through the Calling!

    Score: 5.0 (votes: 1)
    Reviews: 1
      • 67% off
      $135.00save $90.00
    • $45.00
    • 45   – Reward points
    Sorry, we only have 3 of that item available
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    • 84% off

    Custom Created Gargoyle Command Vessel

    The Command Power is something that can be utilized for all Gargoyle, of any race, classification, and energy. It is like a badge of honor that tells Gargoyle that you are someone who is respectable & of good character. It provides you a threshold to communicate & Command Respect & Power of the Gargoyle you interact with, whether they are in your care, unbound, or those you meet during other endeavors in the paranormal. It's a complex & powerful spell when done as this one has.

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      • 84% off
      $79.00save $66.01
    • $12.99
    • 12   – Reward points
    • New!
    • 90% off

    Pick a Number & Get a Special Mystery Item

    Pick a number from the drop-down and you will receive a special mystery item associated with that number!  Some numbers have 1 item, and some numbers have multiple items as part of a special box or bag.  Each number has a different item associated with it.  Some items have spell bindings, and some items are not spelled at all - they could be books, kits, decorations, statues, tools, etc.  There are no spirits or entities as part of this offer.

    These are all all bigger items, not used in Goody Bags or other Mystery Bags.

    Score: 5.0 (votes: 1)
    Reviews: 1
      • 90% off
      $200.00save $180.01
    • $19.99
    • 19   – Reward points
    • 97% off

    Supernatural Surprise - Receive Special Item at Discount


    Listings featured in this category do not qualify for BOGOs because they are a deeply-discounted price.

    You can order as many as you wish at this special price, but only for a limited time.

    A special supernatural surprise!  You will receive 1-2 items in your box/bag that have significance in one way or another when it comes to magick, spells, rituals, and working with the supernatural.

    They can be items that have been retired from the shop, are currently in the shop in any variation, items never in the shop, or items that were part of a previous promotion.  You will receive the full details for the item(s) in your box/bag.

    These are examples of what have been packed in the boxes, and can include (but not limited to): Jewelry, wands, mirrors, statues, amulets, tools, books, kits, ritual items, plushies, etc.

    Score: 5.0 (votes: 1)
    Reviews: 1
      • 97% off
      $250.00save $242.01
    • $7.99
    • 7   – Reward points
    • 90% off

    Coin With Various Blessings - Mystery Binding


    You will receive 1 vintage or antique coin that has a blessing of various intent.  We have coins blessed with over 50 different purposes.  Including, but not limited to: Cleansing Negative Energy, Confidence & Self-Care, Creative Enlightenment, Good Fortune, Grounding & Balance, Intuitive Stimulation, Lucid Dreaming, Lunar Energy, Manifesting Wishes, Prosperity, Solar Energy, Spiritual Insight, Spontaneous Joy, Universal Love, and many more.

    You can order as many as you like, and we will do our best to make sure you do not have repeats.

    Score: 5.0 (votes: 2)
    Reviews: 2
      • 90% off
      $10.00save $9.00
    • $1.00
    • 1   – Reward points
    • 90% off

    Mystery Key Magick


    You will receive 1 key that has a mystery enchantment that will be revealed only to you!  We love working with keys, they make interesting vessels for spells as keys easily incorporate into decorations, multi-charm pendants & jewelry, and can be carried quite easily & discreetly.

    The keys have various enchantments and spells for everyday magickal intent - we have a lot of fun creating the various spells and making them entertaining, fun, and easy to work with.

    You can order as many as you like, and we will do our best to make sure you do not have repeats.

    Score: 5.0 (votes: 2)
    Reviews: 2
      • 90% off
      $20.00save $18.00
    • $2.00
    • 2   – Reward points
    • 93% off

    $12 Flash Sale Deal - Mystery Bag of Tools

    You will receive a special Flash Sale mystery bag - containing any assortment of tools like Binding Bags, Potion Bottles, Books, Spell Jars, Witch's Bottles, etc!

    The items in your mystery bag range in price from $30-$175 each (with no discounts in the shop). 

    All bindings are Class 5 tier 3 with Charging Energy Added.

    You may receive items in the shop, or not in the shop.  These are specially-priced mystery bags, available for a limited time.

    Each bag holds 1-3 items.  Please let us know if you cannot have scented items.

    Order as many as you wish!

    Score: 5.0 (votes: 2)
    Reviews: 2
      • 93% off
      $175.00save $163.00
    • $12.00
    • 12   – Reward points
    • New!
    • 83% off

    FLASH SALE! Love Potion No. 9, 10, And Maybe 11 Too

    This sweet potion bottle comes with a potent, topical perfume Love Potion which makes you more alluring, inviting, sensual, and attractive to others. It creates a field of supernatural energy around you that makes you more interesting, enticing, and exciting to those around you. The perfume potion is a wafting atmosphere of magick that plays to all your strengths and builds up the unique characteristics that makes you appealing and engaging to others. If you want to be more magnetic, more intriguing, and more inviting to others this is perfect! You will build your self-confidence and though it's a love potion it does make you more overall intriguing to anyone you desire in your life. Which can help you with your personal life, career, etc. You can also use it on your lover to make your interactions more intense, passionate, and heated! It's a great little pick-me-up for those who want to feel erotically polished before going out for the night, before engaging in intimacy, or who just want to wear it to have a bit of attention!

    The bottle is red glass and comes with a black metal hanger for display & storage.

    Score: 5.0 (votes: 2)
    Reviews: 2
      • 83% off
      $299.95save $250.00
    • $49.95
    • 49   – Reward points
    Sorry, we only have 1 of that item available



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