About CH

We were the first internet website dedicated to Spirit Keeping and continue to remain an authority on the processes & truths about what Spirit Keeping is and means.

Creepy Hollows is a paranormal community. It is comprised of people from all across the world, of different backgrounds, religions, ages, etc that all share one common thread... a passion for the paranormal. What do we mean by paranormal? Spirits, ghosts, aliens, UFOs, dimensions, magic, spellwork, the power of nature, religious icons, natural energy, oddities, miracles, mysteries, secret societies, forgotten or ancient civilizations, witty observations, and every thing that has to do with the paranormal & metaphysical in between.

Our goal is to shed the well-deserved, positive light on the paranormal and help those who have questions find the answers they seek through education, literature, other people who come here and through self-discovery. We try to take the fear out of the "fear of the unknown" because knowledge is power.

No matter if you are brand new to the paranormal & have no idea where to start, or if you are a well-seasoned professional, we are honored to be able to help you on your way.

There is no governing ideology here regarding spirituality & religion. We aren't here to change your mind, or make you conform to any "standard". We do abide by guidelines & rules of Spirit Keeping, but aside from that your religious & spiritual beliefs are your own, and are part of your personal journey. Spirit Keeping is a spiritual belief & complement to your current life path.

If you think Spirit Keeping is right for you, then you're in the right place, we're glad to have you! If you come & visit, and decide it's not for you, that's okay too. It's an individual decision you have to make for yourself.

Creepy Hollows Community

Our main site started in 2001 as an informational & educational webpage about the practices Spirit Keeping, Magick, and the Paranormal.  We moved from free hosting domains to our own domain in 2007.   We were an education-only website for a long time, adding the Forum in 2004, consolidating our website information into an Encyclopedia in 2005, and the shop was a late addition to the community, growing over the last decade!

We have a Forum with more than 13,800 members that operates to answer questions on a multitude of topics including Spirit-Keeping, casting spells, conspiracy theories, seances, ghosts, paranormal investigations and with 800,000+ threads there's never a dull moment. Registration to the Forum is 100% free!

We have an Encyclopedia with more than 1,000 articles dedicated to casting magic, keeping spirits, working with entities, determination if your home is haunted, astral traveling, how to banish unwanted spirits, articles on individual creatures, entities, gods, goddesses, immortals and more. There is much to read & always something interesting to learn! The Encyclopedia is 100% free!

Creepy Hollows is the premiere site for those who want to further their journey in the paranormal and metaphysical. It is a sanctuary for the discriminating collector, practitioner, and Keeper. We deal with Spirits, Spells, Magic and more! We offer many amenities at no charge and for us - this is our passion, our life, and our second family. If you join us you'll see that this is the most welcoming, caring community for those who want to pursue a life in the paranormal and metaphysical!

No matter who you are, or what you reason for coming here, there is something on Creepy Hollows that will pique your interest, & challenge yourself to learn more about what the paranormal world is all about. We are a great community of caring, fascinating people who welcome each other with open arms. This is a second home for many people because even though we all differ in many ways we have a common bond that keeps us in constant mind, body & spirit evolution and that unquenchable thirst to continually discover what is this paranormal world all about!

Creepy Hollows Firsts & Standards

Where to even begin?!  Spirit Keeping is called "Spirit Keeping" because we coined the term.  A term that has cemented itself into eternal definition of what spirit companionship is for Keepers & spirits.  Which is why there is no older resource than CH for that term.  We have paved the standards for the Spirit Keeping & Supernatural community for a long time, and our creations have landed as standards within the community.  It's easy to overlook the incredible time, energy, and work that went into the creation of these elements of the community, because they are just part of the fabric of the community.  

Just for a few examples, we created & brought first:

  • Bridging
  • Charging Boxes
  • Connecting Stones
  • Custom Conjurations
  • Master Vessels
  • Pairing Service
  • Recapture
  • Reverse Adoptions
  • Transmute Bags

We have poured our hearts & souls into this life and path, and we consider ourselves eternal students - always learning and bringing the best for our members.

We've been copied over & over again by other sites and sellers on marketplaces. Our verbiage on listings, in our books, and in our Encyclopedia is some of the most plagiarized material in the Spirit Keeping community.  What we've worked years to bring to the public, appears across many websites and marketplaces.  We stand & remain the oldest, single-largest, and ever-evolving resource for Spirit Keeping.

CH Through the Years





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