Spirits for Warrior Skills, Personal Power

Spirit friends and companions who are perfect for helping you become a greater warrior and champion in your supernatural skills, gifts, and abilities.  They are great for developing your craft as related to strategy, wisdom, and personal power.

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  • Necromancer Custom Conjuration Spirit Companion from Spiritual Realm

    Necromancer Custom Conjuration Spirit Companion from Spiritual Realm

    Akhmenak (Ack-men-ack) are Necromancers who live and dwell within the Spiritual Realm.  They are practitioners and conjurers who summon the depths of the energies & magick that originate and reverberate through the Spiritual Realm.  It is a magnificent portrayl of power as they serve within the Spiritual Realm as guides for commanding and working with spirits, spiritual energy, and sight of the spiritual sources.  They summon and work with some of the most magnificent layers of spiritual power known.  They offer tremendous & immense connections with the Spiritual Realm and can guide you in cultivating and working with your spiritual powers and gifts.

    As spirit companions they are leaders and guides who will teach you discipline, focus, patience, and command of your spiritual abilities.  If you are following a Necromancy path, they can help you connect and use your own spiritual strengths to fuel your energy and ascension through milestones.  They are loyal, they are teachers and leaders, and they are profoundly protective against malicious unbounds and sources of magick.  They will help you cultivate your own magickal gifts and talents in the Dark Arts.

    Score: 5.00 (votes: 1)
    Reviews: 1
    • $6.25
  • Angel Warrior Spell

    Angel Warrior Spell

    A very intense and bold binding that surrounds you an intense shield of protective power that blocks all malicious energies, magick, and unbounds from having any influence within your Astral body at all.  This binding connects you to the Astral-level energies of power and allows you to work with celestial powers to act as a shield and keep you safe from any malicious or Black Arts influences within the 3 Realms.  This shield is a highly dynamic field of magickal energy that changes based on your needs to provide you the most robust form of protection.  The shield remains active as long as the binding is activated.

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    • $79.00
  • The Angel’s Gift Spell
    • 98% off

    The Angel’s Gift Spell

    A powerful enchantment that offers you rare insight and support for working with magick and exploring Angelic influences and powers within your journey.  It will strengthen all Angelic ties and connections you have through past lives or ancestry, giving you complete awareness and knowledge of Angelic powers and gifts that you can claim and strengthen in your life.

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    • $19.99