Vessel Replacement Policy
We have all had a vessel break or have lost a vessel and been unable to repair or retrieve it. This happens to all collectors whether they are novice or well-seasoned. We offer free transmution of your spirit into a new vessel for all Class 5 tier 3, and above for spirits & spells. For class 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 we do this at an extremely discounted rate. This applies to bound vessels you purchase through the Creepy Hollows shop which are attached to jewelry or gemstones.
The replacement vessel will be a tumbled gemstone, with an option to upgrade the vessel in the drop-down.
We will replace your lost or broken vessel for the same binding once in a lifetime, after that the cost would be $5 per binding. We will only replace up to a total of 15 bindings per collector, per lifetime. If you exceed the 15 bindings per lifetime, it is $5 per binding over the 15.
If you have many bindings go missing or are broken due to a situation beyond your control, we can rebind everything to a master vessel for you. You will need to write into Helpdesk to negotiate a fee for the rebinding of a massive number of bindings. .