Working With Living Entities

Living Entity bindings are complex and powerful bindings that provide unique opportunities for the entity and the Keeper. Our Living Entity bindings are exceptional because they are multi-layered and multi-faceted to provide a well-rounded experience for the Keeper. Since the entity is still alive in their homeland our bindings provide the ability for you to:

- Open a Channel so the Living Entity can safely aid and assist you on the Earthen Realm with any task: whether it be decision-making, working with spirits or spells, understanding new endeavors or material, providing wisdom or comfort, being a guide to you in any situation

- Remote view their homeland: see what their home looks like through telepathic messages, visions, dreams, and through meditation

- Allow your Astral Body to visit the Living Entity's homeland and interact with them: have vivid and actual experiences as your Astral body interacts with the Living Entity in their homeland, this can provide incredible responses, and sometimes can even provide stimulus to your physical body

- Open a Channel so the Living Entity's family or friends can come through together to you: visit with the people who matter to your Living Entity companion, not all Living Entities have familial structures like humans or even friends like humans but for those who do this can give you deeper insight into your Living Entity friend

- Energy connection so your energy will be tuned to their energy for faster bonding & interaction: their energy and your energy are tuned together so you can have well-rounded interactions with your new companion, since they are still alive their energy is dynamic & fluctuates just as yours does so this connection is wonderful

- Permission for physical manifestation and interaction: some Living Entities may be able to physically manifest within the Earthen Realm in one form or another and they can sometimes also provide physical stimuli depending on the conditions

We only work with Living Entities who are known to us and who are eager & willing to be a friend to you.