Mind Memory Control Spells Bindings

Spells that allow you to control, influence, read, or persuade the minds of others.
Mind control spells are rather difficult to cast; therefore, you might need detailed instructions on how to enhance your powers in order for the spell to work. There is a great diversity of spells. Let’s look at some of the most renowned and powerful.

- Alter Memory. One of the most dangerous controlling spells, as it can manipulate human consciousness and memory. The caster can slightly change a single memory of the subject, or totally erase it. However, if the subject gets into a situation where the validity of new memories is in question, the spell can be reversed and the real memories return.

- Compel Truth. Very instrumental among other spells for mind control. When cast over a subject, they are forced to tell only the truth. Even though they can withhold information, they are not capable of deception. You might need some additional tools for performing this spell.

- Control Emotion. You are able to give the subject an overwhelming emotional experience with what you choose. It might be love, anger, anxiety or anything else. Although it is a powerful spell, you should realize that no magic can recreate genuine emotions. Thus, any love cast upon the subject will not be real.

Explore our catalog to find out more information on mind control spells. If you need assistance, call us.

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  • Erasure Spell to Forget What You Want To Forget

    Erasure Spell to Forget What You Want To Forget

    If you want to forget memories, forget situations, and various things in your life this spell helps Erasure, a method of suppressing & forgetting. You will hold, or wear, the amulet you receive, and you will focus on what you desire to forget, and the spell will take it from there!

    Score: 5.00 (votes: 5)
    Reviews: 5
    • $6.25
  • Spell for Control Over Others - Your Influence In The Lives Of Those Around You

    Spell for Control Over Others - Your Influence In The Lives Of Those Around You

    This binding provides you the ability to exert your thoughts and energy over others. Your influence will be placed upon them in their thoughts, behaviors, and actions being favorable to you. You will be able to inject your own desires & wishes into others and have them desire to be more invested in helping and assisting you to reach the highest possible success. Whether it is a simple situation or something which is more complex... whether it's something personal or business-related... or if it has to do with your own desires or paranormal path... you are going to be able to influence and exert your power over others.

    Score: 5.00 (votes: 1)
    Reviews: 1
    • $6.25
  • Forget A Secret Spell to Erase The Memory Of A Secret

    Forget A Secret Spell to Erase The Memory Of A Secret

    Sometimes you are the recipient of knowledge you didn't ask for, sometimes someone feels compelled to share a secret you didn't want to know, and no matter how you came by the information you wish you had never heard it in the first place. This binding provides you the ability to forget a secret, move on past the information, and regain your blissful ignorance of whatever they shared with you in the first place. This can be great when it's something you fear you will accidentally share, or when it's knowledge you wish you didn't know and it's changed your perception of someone or something in a way you wish it hadn't.

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    • $6.25
  • Spell To Command Others and Influence Their Actions

    Spell To Command Others and Influence Their Actions

    The Command Others spell allows you to directly influence the actions of others. You can persuade certain behaviors, actions, and situations of the people around you.

    Score: 5.00 (votes: 2)
    Reviews: 2
    • $6.25
  • Mind Control Spell to Impress Your Thoughts Upon Others

    Mind Control Spell to Impress Your Thoughts Upon Others

    The Mind Control spell allows you to permeate the minds of others with your thoughts. Maybe you want to give someone a gentle persuasion, or you want the change their mind completely on something, this spell provides you the opportunity to saturate someone's thoughts with your own and control their thought process.

    Score: 4.50 (votes: 2)
    Reviews: 1
    • $6.25
  • Detect Magick Spell to Reveal The Magick Within A Person, Vessel, Or Place

    Detect Magick Spell to Reveal The Magick Within A Person, Vessel, Or Place

    The Detect Magick spell reveals the magick which exists within a person, vessel, or place however secretive the magick may be.

    Score: 5.00 (votes: 4)
    Reviews: 4
    • $6.25
  • Ilanti Spell For Mind Control

    Ilanti Spell For Mind Control

    The Ilanti Spell for Mind Control allows you to be able to read the thoughts & intentions of others and be able to influence their thoughts actively to what you wish and desire. It is a potent and influential spell and the more you work with this binding the more control and power you will have. The spell works by providing you visions and intuitive impressions when it comes to the thoughts of your target. You will feel the intentions of those around you and know their true intent.

    Score: 5.00 (votes: 2)
    Reviews: 2
    • $55.00
  • Spell Of The Mind Seeker for A Riveting Journey Of Your 3 Minds

    Spell Of The Mind Seeker for A Riveting Journey Of Your 3 Minds

    This spell has been in the works for close to a year. A powerfully resonating channel of magick, it extends from the physical mind into the Astral & Spiritual Realms for recovering lost and gaining new knowledge that is imperative for you to achieve the most from your journey. This binding creates a tether that acts as a conduit of Universal knowledge between your 3 minds. Through this conduit, you'll receive important facets of information as related to your daily life, personal life, paranormal journey and more.

    Score: 5.00 (votes: 1)
    Reviews: 1
    • $150.00
  • Spell For Supernatural Recovery to Get Back Your Lost Abilities

    Spell For Supernatural Recovery to Get Back Your Lost Abilities

    A binding which allows you to recover lost supernatural abilities from this life or past lives. Through the power of this binding you can reconnect with the supernatural abilities and gifts which you have inherently, earned or gifted. In using this binding those abilities will become active and can be utilized by you through any means you desire. Once activated you should exercise and expand your reconnection with the gifts to strengthen their ability to influence and empower your life. This binding will unearth and uncover all supernatural gifts which you are unaware of and make you aware of them through several different types of manifestation. You can have an intuitive impression which can come as a thought or dream, or you can have apparent manifestation which means the gift reveals itself by working in whole or part.

    Score: 4.75 (votes: 4)
    Reviews: 4
    • $6.25
  • Spell For Blockage Barrier to Keep Them From Forming

    Spell For Blockage Barrier to Keep Them From Forming

    This intricately designed binding gives way to the power of creating barriers or blockages as you see fit. You can create a blockage between you and someone else, you can create a barrier between you and a Realm, you can create a blockage of thoughts or memories, you can create a barrier between you and a specific race of entity... these are a few examples of the limitless options you can use this binding for!

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    • $6.25
  • Spell For Conjuring Memories

    Spell For Conjuring Memories

    An incredible new binding that can conjure the memories and thoughts of anyone in the Universe from any time, any dimension, any place. This is such an addictive tool because when you use it you can specify what kind of thought process or memories you'd like to conjure... what kind of creatures, species, beings you'd like the memories from... and what place or timeframe you'd prefer. Or you can leave it wide open and let the binding bring you random thoughts & memories! Through this tool you learn a lot about the different species and beings in the world. You learn how you are similar or how you are different. You learn about the different types of ideologies and beliefs that exist throughout the Universe and throughout time itself. You really expand your mind and awaken to a level of enlightenment that can greatly enhance your journey.

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    • $43.75
  • Eborozi Spell For Mental Influence - Supernatural Mind & Memory Swap

    Eborozi Spell For Mental Influence - Supernatural Mind & Memory Swap

    This spell allows you to be able to embed any thought, visualization, dream or process of thought you wish into another person! This is fantastic for those who want to expand their abilities where mental supernatural power is concerned. This allows you to be able to influence situations and relationships quickly and effectively. You can transfer what is kept in your mind into the mind of someone else.

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    • $43.75
  • Spell for Mind Games - Power to Work with All Facets of the Mind

    Spell for Mind Games - Power to Work with All Facets of the Mind

    This binding give you the power to work with all facets of the mind; reading minds, altering memories & thoughts, entering or viewing the dreams of others, and changing the perception of others.  This should be used with respect because when it is not used with respect it does have the ability to backfire on you.  Only use this enchantment for good works.

    Score: 5.00 (votes: 1)
    Reviews: 1
    • $79.00
  • Feather Flame Spell for Power Of Over 200 Mind Spells

    Feather Flame Spell for Power Of Over 200 Mind Spells

    This Feather Flame token is charged with the fire's elemental power of Mind energy. It has Drawing spells to bring you greater control when it comes to memory recall, memory retention, memory alteration, mind control, mind reading, thought persuasion, and all paths of working with the supernatural paths related to the mind. The mind is the epicenter of all information for you and is the most powerful tool when it comes to working with the supernatural. These spells give you the chance to make a dramatic difference in your ability to effectively work with mind magic.

    Score: 5.00 (votes: 1)
    Reviews: 1
    • $6.25
  • I'm Not a Mind Reader Spell

    I'm Not a Mind Reader Spell

    For those who are not naturally gifted with the ability to read minds or gather information from the minds of others, this enchantment is your gateway into seeing the thoughts of those around you

    Score: 5.00 (votes: 1)
    Reviews: 1
    • $79.00
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