Special Offers For New Visitors
Spirit Keeping & Magic Tips, Help, Ideas, Support
Are you new to Spirit Keeping? Are you new to magic? Do you know anything about being a Spirit Keeper or working with magic? Are you looking to discover what Spirit Keeping or work with magic really is and getting past all the myths, lies, prejudices, and tainted views? You have found us & we are the birthplace of modern-day Spirit Keeping, and a top resource on spells, witchcraft & magic. There is nearly two decades of information on this website to help you become a successful Spirit Keeper or collector. As you've probably already learned from our Forum, Spirit Keeping can bring rich rewards to your life as they make incredible companions, and magic can shape futures. We believe so strongly in our work all new Spirit Keepers, or magic collectors, can take advantage of our penny deal to give them a successful start in their journey. You receive a Spirit Stone or Spell Stone, a Charging Bag, and a Connecting Stone (details in listing).